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Multi Station Buying Guide Oman

Are you looking for maximum training opportunities in the smallest of spaces? Then you will find your optimal training equipment for professional strength training in multi-gyms or multi-stations. To put it plainly: With a multi station, you can bring the fitness studio into your home in a compact format and experience a 100% gym feeling!

Whether multi-stations with plug-in weights or multi-stations without plug-in weights, Cable Cross train stations or multi-presses - all these multi-gyms were designed with the aim of offering you a wide range of training options under optimal training conditions - and without compromise! It doesn't matter whether you're a beginner or a professional - with multi-stations you not only invest in maximum training results, but also in a great training experience!

In the following buying guide you will find all the important information and tips on the subject of multi-stations. 

What are multi-stations / multi-gyms and what advantages do they offer you?

Multi-gyms, as multi-stations are also known, are very versatile training devices that offer you extremely comprehensive training options depending on the equipment and functionality. Thanks to a multifunctional design, multi-gyms combine several training devices, so that effective training of the entire body is possible. In just a few square meters, comprehensive multi-stations offer you everything a strength athlete's heart desires. These are all-round training stations that are available in different variants and designs.

All advantages of multi-gyms at a glance:

  • Experience extremely varied and versatile training opportunities
  • 100% weight training in the smallest of spaces thanks to the space-saving design
  • Highly resilient and therefore ideal for your professional full-body training
  • Individually adjustable to your needs - without problematic "one-size-fits-all" solutions
  • Durable training equipment in independently certified top quality
  • 5 years voluntary guarantee out of conviction
  • Perfect your multistation with expansion options and extensive accessories

What types of gyms are available?

Training needs are fundamentally different - this is exactly why there are a large selection of multi-stations that meet different requirements. The multi-gyms in this category are divided into:

  1. Multi Stations with plug-in weights
  2. Multi Stations without plug-in weights
  3. Cable Cross train stations
  4. Multi presses
  • Cable Cross train stations

The Cable Cross train stations are train devices that are either equipped with plug-in weights or can be loaded with weight discs using the plate-load system. Cable pull stations, also known as cable pull stations, allow you a great deal of freedom of movement when performing the exercise. Since the range of motion must be determined independently, not only is intramuscular coordination promoted, but numerous auxiliary muscles are also involved to stabilize the movement. The strain on entire muscle chains is also the reason why many physiotherapists and rehabilitation clinics rely on cable machines (e.g. for rotational movements).

But cable training in combination with dumbbell training also promises great advantages for ambitious training goals. The training from different angles provides new training stimuli as well as the constantly high muscle tension. You also have the opportunity to use numerous handles and pull-up bars, which not only promises more variety in your workout, but also confronts your muscles with new training stimuli.

  • Multi presses

Training in the multi-press enables you to do focused barbell training with a high level of training comfort. This is possible because the barbell installed in the multi-press is guided on solid steel shafts - i.e. it runs "like on rails". As a result, the range of motion of the barbell is specified, which has the advantage that the exercise does not have to be stabilized independently.

At the same time, the multi-press enables you to do very safe strength training - especially when there is no training partner nearby! This is also one of the main reasons why multi-press machines are so popular: thanks to catch hooks, the training weight can be locked at different heights, so that muscle failure during the exercise is usually not a problem. With some models, there is also the option of using height-adjustable emergency shelves. They severely limit the barbell's downward potential, which can be very helpful for exercises like squats or even bench presses.

In addition, many multi presses can be expanded in a modular manner and with additional accessories. For example, you can add a lat pull-down attachment with a pull function from above and below – you decide whether with plug-in weights or a plate-load system.

  • Multi Stations with plug-in weights

As far as the training weights are concerned, you have the choice between plug-in weights and the plate-load system on many multi-stations. In the case of plug-in weights, you have a weight block with a plug-in pin for weight selection. Thanks to the plug-in system, the desired training weight can be set very easily and quickly. The biggest advantage lies in the rapid weight change, which is extremely relevant, for example, for high-intensity training methods such as reduction sets or supersets. In addition, thanks to the plug-in weight system integrated in the multi-station, you do not need a weight plate stand in order to be able to store weight plates safely and within easy reach.

  • Multi-stations without plug-in weights - with plate-load system

If you opt for a multi-station with a "plate-load system", then determine your training weight using weight plates. In plain language: You equip the plate-load system with weight plates (plate load).

Although the use of weight plates slows down the change of training weight significantly compared to the plug-in system, the use of weight plates also offers numerous advantages. For example, it is possible to use the training weights for other training equipment or weight bars.

Above all, however, a more individual and overall finer dosage of the training weight is possible, since weight plates are available from 0.5 kg, while the training weight with plug-in weights can usually be selected in coarser increments (2.5 or 5 kg). Often, straight 10-pound increments are too big a hurdle to increase the training weight while still being able to perform the exercise properly with a sufficient number of repetitions. For this reason, smaller intermediate steps are worth their weight in gold, so that you can achieve constant training progress thanks to an optimal weight progression - this is exactly what the Plate Load System achieves!

Buying the right multi-gym – which multi-gym is right for you?

If you train in the home gym and are therefore looking for the best multi-gym for at home, then the first question that arises is the space available. Dual wall pull-out stations in the innovative "ultra-flat design" are extremely compact and extremely space-efficient - with a distance of just 11 cm from the wall! While the space required for the device to be mounted on the wall is extremely small, you only have to calculate the range of motion for the exercise. These cable pull stations can be used in many ways - from light rehabilitation training to intensive strength training!

If your focus is on performance and you want to build massive muscles, then multi presses with an included free rack are a good choice. Here you have the opportunity to do free barbell exercises on the half rack and/or switch to the multi-press to train safely at the performance limit with a guided exercise. This basic model, which also has a multi-grip pull-up bar, is ideal for this.

If you also want to do cable exercises on your multi-press, models with an integrated lat pull station are recommended. They offer cable pulls from below and above, which is why this attachment massively expands your range of exercises. Especially in the area of ​​multi presses, you can also choose from different models, which also differ in terms of resilience.

Many providers offer an assembly service for their fitness stations in addition to delivery. Take advantage of these offers! So you can be sure that the multi-gym has been professionally assembled. In addition, most providers offer a guarantee of around two years. If you also want to enjoy your training device and have a successful training session, you should carry out the following maintenance measures:

  • Check components for looseness and functionality
  • Oil joints
  • Disinfect seats and handles, otherwise they can become porous

Speaking of size: do you have enough space?

Most multi-gyms take up an area of ​​three to four square meters. But having so much (or so little) free space in your own four walls is not enough. In order to be able to train properly, at least one meter of space around is mandatory. Two meters is better.

If you want to train with a sling trainer on your multi-gym, you probably need three meters of space, at least in one direction. This is also something to consider when buying a multi-gym.

Products from the middle and lower-price segments are often a little less expensive than stations from the high-end sector. But you usually also need two square meters and up.

Gather plenty of information before you buy!

Many multi-gyms are delivered, but you are responsible for setting them up yourself. This is where you find out at the latest whether you made a lucky choice or made a bad purchase. If, for example, the quality of the screws or traction cables is not right, or - even worse - the pre-drilled holes are not flush, the station cannot be set up correctly. The consequences are crooked poles and towers. This introduces dangers, increases wear and tear, and prevents the weights from raising and lowering cleanly on some exercises.

In addition or as an alternative, it is also helpful to obtain independent information from as many places as possible. Read reviews and look around on internet forums. After all, nobody wants to have a bad buy of this magnitude at home.

If you are looking to buy other fitness machines or accessories, look no further! Explore our range of fitness products like treadmillselliptical cross trainersexercise bikesrowing machinesclimb mill & steppershome gymfunctional trainerpower towersmith machinedumbbellsfootball table, and pool table.




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