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Rowing Machines

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Rowing Machine Buying Guide Saudi Arabia

Buying a suitable rowing machine that is excellently made, costs little and still offers a realistic training feeling is not that easy. Just because some reviews on various sales portals are relatively positive and the product is called "perfect", it does not necessarily mean that it is the right rowing machine for you, because many factors are important. Purchasing a rowing machine is a sensible investment if you use it regularly. Here is a checklist for you to consider before buying the right rowing machine for you!

Rowing machines - characteristics and types

Rowing machines are also known as rowing ergometers. These are special training devices; they simulate the movement of rowing in a rowing boat, which is known as ergo rowing.

Rowing training on the rowing machine promotes endurance and effectively builds muscle throughout the body. In addition to different versions of the training resistance, the options for measuring physical performance vary depending on the model.

Benefit: When is the purchase worthwhile?

Many newcomers to the sport are looking for a sport where they can strengthen their body holistically. On the one hand, muscle groups should be built up evenly, on the other hand, endurance and thus fitness should be trained. If you want to lose weight, you want effective energy consumption.

The ideal device:

All of these goals can be achieved with rowing training. The rowing machine addresses the entire musculature in the body like hardly any other piece of sports equipment.

Even with light exertion, a male athlete of average body weight burns almost 300 kilocalories. At high loads it is almost 1,000. A similarly high effect can only be achieved with a few other training devices, for example with the bicycle ergometer.

Benefits of endurance training:

Time and again, people who suffer from blood pressure problems underestimate the health-promoting effect of endurance training. If done regularly, the heart and circulatory functions will be regulated after just a few months in such a way that in many cases there will be no need to take any medication at all.

Some asthmatics also report a much milder course of the disease due to the strengthening of the immune system. When rowing, muscles and joints are used, but not overstrained.

In contrast to some other endurance sports, rowing training is even suitable for people who already suffer from previous damage to intervertebral discs, hip and knee joints. The prerequisite, however, is that it is executed correctly. Jerky movements should be avoided.

Rowing in everyday life:

The sequence of movements on the rowing machine should first be practiced under professional guidance so that it can be carried out correctly. However, this does not place any special demands on the athlete. Even newcomers quickly find their way around the rowing machine.

It is also possible to incorporate rowing training into the usual daily routine. For example, it is perfect to do while watching TV as the body remains in a relatively upright position. Rowing machines work extremely quietly, so that you can also listen to music or talk to your partner during training.

Space-saving wonders:

Modern rowing machines require little space. Most models can be folded up and stowed away after training to save space. Its structure is uncomplicated. After a few simple steps, the rowing machine is ready for use.

Tips for choosing:

There are a few things to consider when buying a rowing machine. The fact is: if you save at the wrong end here, you will not be happy with the ergometer in the long run.

  • First of all, you have to decide on the already mentioned resistance. If you want an even and very high shape here, you are well advised to use the air resistance. It should be noted, however, that the volume is not exactly low.
  • A softer rowing feeling is obtained with the water resistance. The hydraulic resistance is more and more removed from the market - this will not be discussed further - you should simply not choose it.
  • The display should of course be easy to read; at best it is illuminated. Among the values that should be read on well-equipped rowing machines are:
    • The entire training time
    • The number of strokes
    • The number of strokes per minute
    • The distance
    • The calories burned
    • The time at 500 and 2,000 meters
    • The training intensity
    • The heart rate

Well-known manufacturers sometimes also offer the option of online mode for their devices. Every athlete has to decide for themselves whether this is absolutely necessary.

  • It is important to take a look at the maximum user size. With some ergometers, it can be difficult to complete the movements, especially for people over 1.85 meters tall, because the rail is too short in this case. The maximum load limit should also be considered.
  • The next question is: how much space do you have available? The higher-priced machines in particular are often very large and can, for example, be 2.50 meters long; and the fact that it can be folded up does not necessarily mean that space-saving storage is possible.

In terms of comfort and ergonomics, one should pay special attention to:

  • The seat height
  • The seating comfort
  • The readability and operation of the computer
  • Adjustable footrests
  • There should also be a guarantee on the device

Choosing the right one for your budget:

Think carefully about how much money you want to spend on a rowing machine. Inexpensive rowing machines are often limited to only the essentials and have a relatively low resistance, which in turn means that the training potential cannot be exploited 100% if you are already at a good fitness level.

There are really a lot of rowing machines in the low price segment that offer great value for money and are totally sufficient for many people. But if you are already relatively fit and after a few months of training you notice that the resistance is too weak or the stability is not sufficient, the motivation evaporates very quickly and the rowing machine gathers dust in the basement.

A rowing machine is usually a long-term investment and a bad buy would not be a nice thing.

So ask yourself the following questions:

  • What goals do I intend to achieve with the rowing machine?
  • What is the maximum amount of money I want to spend?
  • What fitness level am I at?
  • Do I only want to keep fit with the rowing machine as a supplement or primarily?
  • How fast am I likely to improve?

Warranty & Support:

Even if you buy the "best" rowing machine, it can happen again and again that you are unlucky and get a Monday machine. Therefore, when buying a rowing ergometer, pay attention to the warranty period and support. The best-known brands are convinced of their quality and offer a guarantee of up to 5 years. With these timeless brands, all spare parts can be ordered without any problems even after the guarantee period. Very few crafters can do that.


In most cases, the rowing machine is folded up after the training session and placed in a suitable place. You should also pay attention to the dimensions. Just because a rowing machine is foldable doesn't necessarily mean it doesn't take up much space.

But there are also rowing machines that do not have a folding mechanism. This is not necessarily a disadvantage. The best example is the WaterRower. This can easily be tilted vertically for storage. The WaterRower only needs about as much space as a chair. If the altitude allows it, this storage method is even better one.

Rowing machine checklist

  • Space-saving: Depending on the equipment and format, rowing machines can take up more space than you think. You should therefore make sure that the device of your choice is collapsible and therefore easier to stow away in your own four walls. 
  • Maximum user weight: People who are taller or heavier than average should take a look at the load capacity of the rowing machine. As a rule, this amounts to between 110 and 140 kilograms.
  • Weight of the device: Normal devices weigh 25 to a good 40 kilograms. Here, too, you should be aware of how often and how far you may have to move the rowing machine after and before each training session before you buy it. 40 kilograms and more can be quite heavy for a single person - especially if the object to be moved is unwieldy.
  • Type of rowing machine: Before buying a rowing machine, you should make it clear how often and how seriously you want to follow the rowing training. For beginners who only use the device occasionally, a cheaper device with hydraulic resistance and little equipment can suffice. Here, however, there is a risk of faster wear and stability and processing are usually at a correspondingly manageable level. If you want to get as close as possible to a "real" rowing feeling, you should look into higher-quality devices with water resistance. In addition to a magnetic braking system, there are also devices with air resistance, cable pull or cantilevers. As you can see, it pays to take a closer look here.    
  • Flywheel mass: The flywheel mass of the devices is usually around 7 to 10 kilograms. The greater the flywheel mass, the more difficult it is to adjust the resistance as a rule. For stronger athletes in particular, it is advisable to ensure that the flywheel mass is as high as possible.  
  • Equipment: Whether it's floor level compensation, heart rate monitor, multi-level resistance setting, different competition modes, USB connection for smartphones and smartwatches - depending on the price range, there are hardly any limits. In this respect, too, the following applies: You certainly don't need all the bells and whistles for proper rowing training. However, the more professional it should be, the more worthwhile are additional features.

Conclusion- buy a rowing machine

As you can see, finding the right rowing machine is not that easy. Each rowing machine has its pros and cons, which vary based on body type, skill level, and personal preference.

But if you use this guide as a guide in addition to the test reports and product presentations, then you will very likely buy your ideal rowing machine.

If you are looking to buy other fitness machines or accessories, look no further! Explore our range of fitness products like treadmills, elliptical cross trainers, exercise bikes, rowing machines, climb mill & steppers, home gym, functional trainer, power tower, multi station, smith machine, dumbbells, football table, pool tabletable tennis.

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